Thursday, August 4, 2011

The use of salt water

How to Use Seasalt WaterthumbnailSea salt has a high mineral content. While most people are aware that the human body is composed of 75 per cent water, not everyone is aware that blood, tissues and cells are composed by a solution of salt water very similar to sea water. Sea salt has many physiological advantages and has been used throughout the history of the optimal health, explains Dr. Erin Elster, a specialist in cervical above Boulder, Colorado. If you at sea seawater internally or bathing in it, sea salt water has proved effective with content of natural minerals, not refined.Difficulty: ModerateLukewarm water bath tub2 lb dead sea bath salts2 Qt. the hot water2 tsp salt of sea laxativeLemon juice

A wide range of sea salts are available on the market for swimming.

Sea salt is known to contain about 80 different minerals.

Purchase of sea salt instead of salt iodization for cooking purposes may be a good idea.

Sea salt does not cause health concerns of many refined salts are known to cause.

Never salt use for cleaning the colon, given that the chemical additives are added to preserve it and the refining process removes precious minerals.

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